Valentine's day isn't just for couples, we've got files for everyone!
Jan 14, 2022Valentine's day has a reputation of being a 'hallmark holiday' for couples. To be honest, I was never a big fan of Valentine's day when it felt like a forced day to give chocolates, cards and roses to a significant other. I've always been a rebel when it comes to social norms and I'd rather give and receive 'just because' rather than because society tells us to...I'll get off my soap box now.
Over the last few years, being a single person and a mom, I actually like Valentine's day WAY MORE now. Funny how life works. We use it as a day to celebrate everyone we love, and no matter your stance on the holiday, my friends and I gathered up a bunch of new free cut files for you!
To get my FREE "Yep! Still Single" SVG, access my entire library of free files here!
Curvy Sweet Heart by Gina C. Creates
Candy Heart Luminaries by Oh Yay Studio
Always and Forever by Studio Xtine
Valentine Doodle Heart by Persia Lou
Kitten and Puppy Peekaboo Cupcake Toppers by Craftara Creates
My Heart Belongs to Chocolate by Polka Dotted Blue Jay
I Love You 365 Days A Year by Sunshine and Munchkins
Valentine Unicorn by Weekend Craft
Play-Doh Valentine Gift Tags by Simply Made Fun
Cactus Valentine's Day SVG by Tried & True Creative
Love Bug Lollipop Holder SVG by Spot of Tea Designs
A Love Like Gnome Other Card by The Bearded Housewife
Mama & Mini by Poofy Cheeks Blog
Okay, Love You. Bye! by The Walnut Street House
Not Today Cupid by Artsy-Fartsy Mama
Retro Love by My Designs in the Chaos
Owl Valentine Box by Me and My Inklings
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